Peru: Scott Rodin, Will Barnes
Peru: Scott Rodin, Andrew Walls
Peru: Elouise Renich Fraser with professor of theology from Seventh Day Adventist Unoversity
Peru: Beryl Russell at Machu Picchu waiting for the group who were climbing
Peru: Samuel Escobar with dean of Seventh Day Adventist University
Peru: Samuel Escobar translating for vice president of Seventh Day Adventist Unoversity
Peru: Peter Parades with Samuel Escobar; Scott Rodin & Eric Ohlmann presenting books
Peru: Horace Russell in bus weaving plastic cape
Peru: Elouise Renich Fraser, Samuel Escobar, dean at Seventh Day Adventist
Peru: Will & Sue Barnes in plastic capes
Peru: group in hotel lobby at Cuzco
Peru: group at airport in Miami
Peru: faculty and spouses at Seventh Day Adventist University
Peru: faculty and spouses at Inca ruins
Peru: group visiting Church of God's children's center on outskirts of Lima
Peru: sight seeing in Lima (L-R) Stan Slade, Will & Sue Barnes, Beryl Russell, Leah Gaskin Fitchue, Carol Schreck, José Norat, Elouise Renich Fraser, Eunice Ohlmann, Ron& Arbutus Sider, Steve Hutchison, Melody Mazuk, Scott Rodin, Samuel Escobar, Glenn & Peggy Koch, Peter Schreck, Manfred & Marjean Brauch, Ruth McFarland, Eric Ohlmann, Linda Rodin
Peru: group outside Franciscan monastery in Lima
Peru: Scott Rodin at Machu Picchu
Peru: group at Lima airport on return trip
Peru: group sightseeing in Lima
Peru: sight seeing in Lima, Eric Ohlmann, Beryl Russell, Leah Gaskin Fitchue, et al.
Peru: in hotel lobby in Cuzco
Peru: at Machu Picchu, the lost city of the Incas
Peru: at restaurant in Lima, Manfred Brauch, Beryl Russell, Linda Rodin, et al
Peru: at the Escobar's home with Fr. Klaiber (seated), Ruth McFarland making presentation to Lilly Escobar