Baldwin, Wilmore, and Thomas Barna, George Bartle, Harvey Jr Adjunct - (Psychiatrist) Bishop Corson, Westrate, McDormand, Richardson Key for Bishop Corson photo Bishop Carson and McDormand Bishop Skeete and Bill Brackney-11-86 Bishop Bristol, Lyle (Dean at Eastern College) Brodhead, B B Brodhead, B Burns Burnett Campolo-1 Campolo-2 Claghorn, George receiving the DD degree Cole, Ted Davis, Sarah Dow, Robert Elliott, W Flake, Floyd Flake, Floyd Forbes, James Ford, Leighton and Bill Thompson Ford, Leighton ready to preach Ford, Leighton at the Pulpit Ford, Leighton with Veniga and Thompson Gaines, A Gaines, A Graham, Billy (3rd from right, next to McDormand) Graham, Billy in chapel (McDormand at the pulpit Gran, Jaquline Hine Johnson-Cook Kennedy, William with students Kinney, John Kinney, John Kirkland, Bryant Koyama, Kosuke 1985 with Randolph Palada Latourette, K S Latourette, Kenneth S Latourette, Kenneth Scott Laudenslager, Chaplain at Lakenau Hospital Lindsel, Harold Mauls, Desmond - Mr and Mrs McBain, Doward with Lester Harnish McBain, Doward with Carl Henry McBride, Russell H 1957 Library Ground Breaking Mead Meneely, Christine Miller, Keith Mitchell, Frank Molebatsi Onesti, Karen Owens, Milton with Harnish and Henry Ruth, Howard Shaner, Dorcas Shaw, Willaim Skinner Smith, Robbin Thomas, John Torbet, Robert and Walter Davis Tri-Tones Walters, Marlene Woodard, Marsha Brown Wool, Peter Wright, Jeremiah Wright, Jeremiah Yoder, Howard