The Hebrew Text of the Song of Deborah

In the Arabic, Aramaic, and Syriac

of the
London Polyglott
of 1657

edited by
Brian Walton

Arabic Judges 4:15-5:3

Arabic Judges 5:4-14

Arabic Judges 5:15-26

Arabic Judges 5:27-6:9

Aramaic Judges 4:15-5:3

Aramaic Judges 5:4-14

Aramaic Judges 5:15-26

Aramaic Judges 5:27-6:9

Syriac Judges 4:15-5:3

Syriac Judges 5:4-14

Syriac Judges 5:15-26

Syriac Judges 5:27-6:9

For more information on the London Polyglot

check the following internet site