JOHN 19:39, 20:15 AND MATTHEW 3:7

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Lane 120b Åê / Ä|ê (ahha / ahhaha) "he expressed pain or grief"

Lane 129 ÅÖé 'awwaha) "Alas!"

Lane 130 ÅéÖé ('awwâh "a man often saying Ah! or Alas!"

Lane 462 y3 (jan) "it veiled, it concealed him,wrapped itin grave clothing"

Lane 463b yx3 ( janan) “grave” (= Nng)

Lane 463b yx3 (janan) “grave clothing” (= Nng)

Lane 463b yx3 (janan) “a dead body” (= Nng)

Lane 463c yáx3 (janîn) “buried in a grave” (= Nyng)

Lane 1159a msé@ (râmak) "an astrigent medicine"

Lane 1387b mD (suk) "a sort of perfume"

Payne Smith 41 h#$yxb "a stirred / shaken mixture"

Payne Smith 132 )t+nwx "spices for the dead"

Payne Smith 387 qs "sackcloth, bag"

Ethiopic Text of Matt 3:7-12 in the London Polyglott

Ethiopic Text of Matt 3:7ff. in the London Polyglott (enlarged)

Ethiopic Text of Matt 3:7ff. in the London Polyglott (Latin Transation)

Click HERE for the Hebrew & Arabic
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