JOHN 19:39, 20:15 AND MATTHEW 3:7
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Lane 120b Åê / Ä|ê (ahha / ahhaha) "he expressed pain or grief"
Lane 130 ÅéÖé ('awwâh "a man often saying Ah! or Alas!"
Lane 462 y3 (jan) "it veiled, it concealed him,wrapped itin grave clothing"
Lane 463b yx3 ( janan) “grave” (= Nng)
Lane 463b yx3 (janan) “grave clothing” (= Nng)
Lane 463b yx3 (janan) “a dead body” (= Nng)
Lane 463c yáx3 (janîn) “buried in a grave” (= Nyng)
Lane 1159a msé@ (râmak) "an astrigent medicine"
Lane 1387b mD (suk) "a sort of perfume"
Payne Smith 41 h#$yxb "a stirred / shaken mixture"
Payne Smith 132 )t+nwx "spices for the dead"
Payne Smith 387 qs "sackcloth, bag"
Ethiopic Text of Matt 3:7-12 in the London Polyglott
Ethiopic Text of Matt 3:7ff. in the London Polyglott (enlarged)
Ethiopic Text of Matt 3:7ff. in the London Polyglott (Latin Transation)
Click HERE for the Hebrew & Arabic
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